
Sunday 5 May 2013

'Justin Bieber gay'

E Online's Twitter account hacked by the Syrian Electronic Army... sending out fake messages about Justin Bieber and Angelina Jolie.

 They've recently been in the headlines for attacking the online accounts of the Associated Press and the BBC.
Now the Syrian Electronic Army has taken on E! Online and the massive internet fan base of Justin Bieber, sending out a series of false tweets about the 19-year-old singer on Saturday.
The messages, which began around 1 p.m. ET, started with an 'exclusive' that the Canadian singer was coming out.
'Exclusive: Justin Bieber to E!online: I'm a gay,' the message said, with a false link to E!'s website.
Minutes later another tweet flows in, throwing his ex-girlfriend Selena Gomez into the fray.
'Exclusive: Selena Gomez tells E! she will fully supporting Justin in his coming out.'
They also targeted Angelina Jolie in a another poorly written tweet: 'Angelina Jolie admits, in E! latest issue, that Jordan is to blame for the Syrian refugees' atrocious conditions.'
The hour long breach ended with a message from the group claiming responsiblity for the hack.
'The Syrian Electronic Army was here! Fans of @justinbieber, you have been trolled by @Official_SEA12 #SEA,' the group wrote.
The group also made their way into the SMS messaging system used by the news outlet, sending a series of similar messages, including one obscene message singling out President Barack Obama.
 Shortly after, E! was able to regain control of their account, momentarily cutting off access to their feed before alerting their fans of the breach.

 'Our account @eonline has been compromised and some incorrect information was sent out. We're working with Twitter now to fix this,' they wrote on the E! News account.
As of Saturday afternoon, Justin Bieber has yet to respond.
 The attack set Twitter alight, as fans quickly made shot the event to the top of the trending topics around the world.
'The moment when EOnline calls Justin gay and "Justin Bieber to E" trends and their account gets suspended. THE POWER OF BELIEBERS,' fan @iBiebersSwaag wrote.
'i am laughing so hard. EOnline called Justin gay, trended "Justin Bieber to E" and are now suspended. lmao,' user @dalittlefreak wrote.
 'Bieber fans can bring down the whole US government and financial system if they want to,' fellow hackers Anonymous tweeted.
'#SEA trolling millions of equally significant as bringing down the DOW Jones.'
In recent weeks the group has made international headlines as it successfully compromised the accounts of CBS News, The Los Angeles Times and BBC.
 A hack of the Associated Press' twitter account that falsely reported that President of the United States was injured in an attack on the White House.
The message 'Breaking: Two Explosions in the White House and Barack Obama is injured,' caused panic to some of their near 2 million followers and sent the stock market plunging 100 points.
The AP was forced to close their account and regain their following, and the recent breaches have caused many to question user security on the popular micro-blogging site.

Source: mailonline

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