
Saturday 16 February 2013

Goldie's husband shares their wedding photos in her memory


He tagged it 'Memories of my loving wife' on his Facebook page. See more photos after the cut...

Beyonce finally reveals her daughter, Blue Ivy

For the first time since she was a few months old, Beyonce shares a picture of her daughter's face. She's a spitting image of Jay Z. See her lips. She's so cute!!!!

Friday 15 February 2013

Lightning strikes St. Peters Basilica hours after the Pope announced resignation

Was it just Mother Nature or a sign from God? Lightning appeared to strike St. Peter's Basilica in Vatican City on Monday just hours after Pope Benedict XVI announced his resignation, according to the BBC. The lightning strike happened around 6 p.m. local time. Photo above.

What is Wrong With These Ladies Photos?

 Look well well and you may just be lucky to see what we are seeing. :-) This is Just a Photo Fun Post, To keep the traffic and also have fun with the eyes.. Just look well, and when you find out what exactly is wrong with the photo, you would be really shocked.

Man pours pot of boiling stew and lighted stove on girlfriend

A 27-year-old woman, Mary Sunday, has been in the hospital bed at Igbobi Orthopaedic Hospital seven months after she was allegedly attacked by her fiancé, Corporal Isaac Gbanwuan, with a pot of boiling stew and a lighted stove. It was learnt that Sunday had lost her ears due to the attack.

Reps move to ban use of foreign currencies in Nigeria


The House of Representatives, yesterday, moved to ban the use of foreign currencies in local and domestic transactions in Nigeria. This was sequel to a motion brought to the floor of the House by Hon Nadu Karibe, representing Bayelsa State.