
Sunday 8 December 2013

10 must-remember rules for love on Facebook

 If you and your lover regularly keep in touch and nurture feelings through Facebook , then there are rules that you need to remember to love more completely .
 1. Do not “like” and comment on all the pictures, all the status of your girl/boyfriend: It can make her/him feel uncomfortable because they are controlled too tight. Just “like” the photos that you really like. Limit public comments and you two should talk in private.
2. Many couples want to know other’s Facebook password for ease of control. This should not be incurred for unnecessary conflicts. For example, if the contents of the old messages are from the old flame with intimate conversation, you will be jealous for no reason. Giving individual space is the know-how to maintain long-lasting love.

3. Do not show pictures of the two of you so regularly on Facebook. Friends may initially bless you both, then there is a bit of jealousy but eventually will feel … disturbed. True feelings will not need to be open too noisy, just the two of you love each other silently and sincerely care each other.

4. When you two are in an argument, do not let all the people on Facebook know. Do not post sad status every 5 minutes and say the words with hidden meaning “only insiders can understand.” Sometimes your romance is in trouble just because outsiders know too much.

5. If someone are teasing or flirting you, be silent. You have had your boy/girlfriend, so your response will make your partner unhappy, and you will also be misunderstood as “promiscuous”.

6. Do not jump to the comment in Facebook’s lover, if the content is not related to you. Many girls when finding other girls that write on her Facebook’s lover begin to comment to show her ownership, or some boys cut off on Facebook conversation between his girlfriend and another guy. This will make your partner uncomfortable and disappointed.

7. Do not think too much. Such as: “Why are you online Facebook without talking me, you want to avoid me?”, “Why don’t you like any my Pictures? “… The things on Facebook are virtual; it is more important how you cultivate your love in real life.

8. Put your lover into the ” close friend ” to track all activities on Facebook , you think that it shows you are interested in your sweetheart , but do not control too excessively, not be angry just because he like other girls’ pictures , or comment on some pretty boys’ photos … If he/she no longer loves you, y our control is meaningless. Let them be self-conscious and responsible for your love.

9. Do not update Facebook anytime, anywhere. This can be suspected by your lover and you would be misunderstood. For example : ” You told me that You’re at home today but why do you go out with your friends , that picture is posted on Facebook ” , ” You are busy with studying but still play football with X?” … Facebook can easily denounce you.

10. When you want to share something with your honey, be private. There is something that is only really comfortable when you talk in privacy.

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